A Moral Voyage: The Proposal, Part I – The Literature Review
17 Nov 2015 tagged in a moral voyage, commonwealth honors collegeFrom Honors Student Blog:
20 trips to the library, 14 books, 6 articles, 5 (surviving) recyclable bags from the circulation desk, and countless hours later, I can officially say that I have written my spring proposal.
Essentially, to enroll in the spring semester of my honors thesis, I have to fill out a proposal. I did something similar to register for the fall semester, but this proposal is a much more involved and in-depth process. The proposal serves two purposes:
- It’s proof that this first semester of research hasn’t gone to waste – that I know what I’m talking about regarding the topic, that I know why it’s relevant and important to historians, and that I know that this is new and original research.
- It’s a syllabus – it gives a general overview of the thesis, what it will accomplish, and the dates and deadlines for a first draft and subsequent drafts.
Read the rest of the post here.